Saturday, July 17, 2004

The Reasons Why You Came Here

          Spending so long planning
                                      where you’re standing,
          you forget the reasons why it
                                      is you came here;
          worse still, infection of the dreaded
          turns your thoughts to all the things
                                      you cannot leave behind:
          it’s the money, it’s the show, it’s all
                                      the things you’ve collected
          from the corners of your little world
                                      and you can’t let them go.
          Yet what is it that you came for?
                                     That something special
          you always had to believe in, that
                                      reason it is you came here… 
         could you really be so ill you’ve forgotten
                                      the touch of love?

Friday, July 16, 2004


We should have intuited that change is best not be
avoided when it comes to call, crashing on us unsuspecting.
It’s only our normalcy, the complacency of our warmth
that steers us away into our regulatory corners.
So there’s nothing wrong then to be woken from
our catatonic slumber, our onanistic embrace,
to face the new dynamic world asunder…
Or so they say, or would like to say, I don’t know,
except that I’m restless if I stay too long, feels as if
I’m being left behind by the whole human race,
wherever they are heading.
If change is good, why do people die only a few miles
from where they first entered life, or fail to open their
windows on a sunny day, I don’t know…


                   there’s no sentimentality
                             in my glass of wine,
                   only thoughts that come
                             and don’t stay long,
                   that don’t grow into wild
                             imaginative trees.
                   there’s no excess of scent
                             or colour in a rose
                   for beauty is knowing the balance
                             of what is enough.