Friday, December 12, 2008

Electric Vocal

Peaceness of evening near complete
against the electric vocal storm outside;

melodies of some future scrape against
the slumber of the solemn night.

I am ravenous for the invisible delight
of an opening like claws extended.


Saturday, October 18, 2008


I want to dance with the great light
Of my being; shards of iridescent filaments
Spluttering and shooting like Aztec darts
From the blower’s breath.

Yet I get these threads of alcohol plying
Their trade in my veins and evening ways.

Out damn poison canals of sherry-wine blood.
Disperse – the warrior needs you no more.

On towards the great tightrope; where
Life dangles like a honey stem
Over the abyss, and wind trickles.


Friday, October 10, 2008

The Passing

There's something that I'm not doing
Something that needs to be done.

Like a melody left unsung
A dinner uncooked
Lips left untouched.

As wind through trees does blow
So too I must find the true
Nature of my passing.


New collection of poetry available to download from here


Friday, September 26, 2008

A loving drop

If I have spilt a loving drop
from another human heart,

I do this from a caring debt
to leave a chrysalis behind

as catalyst to a birth of
some future butterfly.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

There Is

There is a pain, there is a love,
There is a rage, there is the dove.

There is compassion.
There is frustration.
There is the knowing
And the whole unknowing.

There are the stars shining
And the nights closing in.
There is the thankfulness
And there are the years ahead.

There is the flow of love.
And all of the above.


Thursday, August 28, 2008


We'll get it right in another life
if we don't get it right in this one.

This is no excuse to stop loving
or to love the loving too much.

There's a bigger picture waiting to be sown
through the threads of our imperfect embraces.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


When you sleep do you listen
to your breathing
like a star's internal fiery furnace?

When I breath in and out,
out and in,
I am reminded of the way a breeze
carries along the scent of a flower
and disperses it like pollen.


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Night Poem

We dance like shadows
amidst the embers,
as silhouettes burnt upon
the evening sky:

as a veil
that does not open;

a flickering
carpet of starlight.


Thursday, May 15, 2008


I speak in song, I think in flame;

I dream of Spanish hills or

distant destinations

where the air is still.

I linger in moments

that pass too quickly

and forget that I was

ever there.

Do such moments ever stop

to think of me; do they care?

I wish to embrace the land

and tip my toe in waters cold,

to laugh along with funny

bird songs, bright and bold.

Yet something makes me feel uneasy,

a little queasy, as if this is not what is done

in this magic-less world of ours where

dreamers are forbid to dream.

Yet still I linger on in moments

that pass too quickly and

forget that I was

ever there.

Do such moments ever stop

to think of me; do they care?



Thursday, March 13, 2008


I tiptoe like a beggar
wearing second-hand
ballet shoes.

If you hear me coming
I am ashamed
of my sounds...

Friday, March 07, 2008

The bliss of sodden earth

I haven't seen the Nature spirits for a long time now.

Perhaps they hibernate in fear or shame, or are secretly

reworking the game plan to give us all a shock.

On days where the rain falls sideways I wander out

onto grassy paths and call to our hidden comrades

to forgive us our tresspasses and the ignorances

that seep like poison sperm from beneath our skin.

Really we are beautiful people I wish to tell them,

yet I am not convinced that an easy-tongue will persuade

the gentle wisdom of our soothsayer friends.

I wish they would come back bearing gifts

so that I could show them my poetry collection

and we could laugh like fools and drunken priests

for I miss the bliss of sodden earth, the bursting veins

of a shared and passionate rapture.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I knew it was a dream when you let me hold you close,
touch your neck to heal a pain, and draw close to a kiss.

You said you had told your father that I was like a lama;
I smiled and said I was no lama, yet was glad you thought
of me in that way. You were happy that I came.

I was the happier one, believe me my dear.

It was a dream from which I did not want to awaken.

I could have remained asleep like this for aeons,

or until the spell was broken. Now that I am awake

there is a nostalgia for the realm of the invisible.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Zen of Stars

My Heart yearns for new food

as does a stream long to explore

new avenues to share its water.

Like a zen of stars I meditate

upon the endless possibilities

that await me and you.

If I am unsure, it is because

I do not wish to pollute the

final great event…


Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Standing in the rain
I feel roasted
like a chestnut
under homeless heat.

I have nothing but
my own convictions
and my mettle
and my own little

Contented, I wonder

and allow trinkets of rain
to fall like crystal
jewelry for mistress sweet.
